
Home Lighting Artwork

Posted on 14 mayo, 2018 - By ongbrotar  - 0 Comments

“Pin spotlights that direct light onto individual artworks is a great way of illuminating them,” says Mishaan. These ceiling fixtures can be recessed or surface-mounted, and they allow the direction of light to be adjusted. They can also be specified with a range of light-beam spreads, so “you can ensure that the light covers most of the artwork,” not just a small part of it, he says.

As a rule of thumb, adds Russell, ceiling-mounted lights should be placed so that the light beam hits the center of the artwork when the fixture is adjusted to a 30-degree angle. “If you light a piece of art at ten degrees, which means you’re really close to the wall and pointing almost straight down, you’re going to end up casting really long shadows below the frame,” he says. “If you go back too far, to 45 degrees, then you’re pointing too directly, and you’ll get reflective glare.”


Choosing Cooking Utensils

Posted on 12 mayo, 2018 - By ongbrotar  - 0 Comments

The cost of a set of utensils will typically be more economical than buying utensils individually. Sets typically contain basic kitchen tools. When you buy utensil sets, your utensils will all match. There are many kinds available, but you don’t want to buy too many and have them in the way.

Buying your cooking utensils individually will give you better control over each individual utensil that you buy. You will have the opportunity to buy the best of everything.


Apple Organic Sauce

Posted on 12 mayo, 2018 - By ongbrotar  - 0 Comments

In our neck of the woods, this time of year is apple season. Walking through our neighborhood, we pass by trees loaded with ripe apples…apples hanging on branches, apples peppering the ground under the trees. Many people have fruit trees but don’t use the fruit. Have you ever thought of asking a neighbor if they’d mind if you picked some fruit, in exchange for cleaning up under the tree or a few jars of homemade jam? For many fruit-tree owners, having the fruit picked from the tree is a huge relief! And the payoff? Lots of fresh, organic fruit…for free!

If you don’t have free access to a tree, consider going to a pick-your-own farm and picking the fruit there. The cost is usually less than buying organic fruit from the store (although you will want to check to make sure you’re getting organic before you go!). This year, our family was able to take advantage of a friend’s offer for free fruit from a huge apple tree.


The Journey of Life

Posted on 12 mayo, 2018 - By ongbrotar  - 0 Comments

Human life can be likened to a flowing river. What is a river? A river is a unique phenomenon of nature. In the river fresh water is being added to the existing water at every moment.
This everyday phenomenon is responsible for the freshness of the river water. In the absence of this continuous flow of newly added water, the river will lose its freshness: it will not be able to maintain its health-giving, even life-giving, properties.

The same method is adopted by nature with regard to human beings. As we know, human beings continue to be born, generation after generation. Within a period of a hundred years, the previous generation is replaced by a fresh set of people. If the old water is replaced with fresh water, in human beings this same occurrence takes place in the form of previous generations yielding place to new generations.
